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Flux 1.1 PRO Generator

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釋放你的創意潛能,盡在 Flux 1.1 PRO

歡迎來到人工智能圖像生成的未來!由黑森林實驗室推出的最新傑作 Flux 1.1 PRO,將把你的想法轉化為令人驚嘆的視覺作品。體驗 Flux 1.1 PRO 的強大功能,這款尖端的人工智能圖像生成器能以無與倫比的速度和精確度,根據文字描述創建高品質圖像。它是藝術家、設計師和創意專業人士的理想之選。

探索 Flux 1.1 PRO 的特色功能

  • Flux 1.1 PRO 閃電般的圖像生成速度


    告別漫長等待!Flux 1.1 PRO 的速度比原版 Flux.1 PRO 快 6 倍,比更新版本快 3 倍。在幾秒鐘內就能生成高品質圖像,而不是幾分鐘。想像一下,你的創意可以像閃電一樣快速變成圖像。這就是 Flux 1.1 PRO 的威力!

  • Flux 1.1 PRO 高品質圖像輸出


    Flux 1.1 PRO 不僅快速,而且智能。它可以創建高達 2K 解析度的圖像,並且對提示的理解更加出色,能夠產生更好的結果。無論你是在創作藝術、設計,還是純粹娛樂,Flux 1.1 PRO 都能提供你所期待的高品質成果。

  • Flux 1.1 PRO 用戶友好的界面


    不需要博士學位也能輕鬆使用!Flux 1.1 PRO 適合所有人。它擁有簡單的界面方便快速上手,同時為專業用戶提供高級選項以獲得更多控制。無論你是初學者還是專家,都能用 Flux 1.1 PRO 創作出令人驚嘆的圖像。

  • Flux 1.1 PRO 多功能創意


    Flux 1.1 PRO 是你全能的創意夥伴。它支持多種藝術風格和圖像類型,非常適合數字藝術、市場營銷、內容創作等領域。它在不斷改進,為你提供新的可能性。無論你能想像什麼,Flux 1.1 PRO 都能幫助你實現。

Flux 1.1 PRO 人工智能圖像生成器

Flux 1.1 PRO 如何運作:你的人工智能魔法指南

你是否好奇人工智能是如何將文字轉化為圖像的?讓我們一起了解 Flux 1.1 PRO 如何將你的想法變為現實。其實比你想像的要簡單得多!

為什麼 Flux 1.1 PRO 與眾不同

記住,Flux 1.1 PRO 不僅速度快 - 而且很聰明。它比原版 Flux.1 PRO 快 6 倍,比以往更能理解你的想法,並且能創作出各種風格的圖像。而且,它在不斷進步。黑森林實驗室的團隊一直在努力使 Flux 1.1 PRO 變得更加出色。


使用 Flux 1.1 PRO 創作既簡單又有趣,還充滿驚喜。何不試一試?你的想像力就是唯一的限制!記住:你使用 Flux 1.1 PRO 的次數越多,你描述想法的能力就會越強。很快,你就能在瞬間創作出令人難以置信的圖像!

充分利用 Flux 1.1 PRO 的頂級技巧

想用 Flux 1.1 PRO 創作出令人驚嘆的圖像嗎?以下是一些實用技巧,幫助你充分發揮這個強大的人工智能工具的潛力!


在描述中要具體:Flux 1.1 PRO 很擅長理解你的需求,但提供的細節越多,效果就越好。與其只說「一隻貓」,不如試試「一隻蓬鬆的橘色貓坐在藍色沙發上」。包括顏色、質地和背景的細節。提到你想要的風格,比如「卡通風格」或「逼真的照片」。記住,Flux 1.1 PRO 比之前的版本快 3 倍,所以不要害怕寫更長、更詳細的提示!


嘗試不同的風格:Flux 1.1 PRO 可以創作多種類型的圖像。試試數字繪畫、逼真的照片、卡通風格的插畫、科幻或奇幻場景。不要局限於一種風格 - 多嘗試,看看 Flux 1.1 PRO 能做什麼!


使用合適的關鍵詞:某些詞語可以幫助 Flux 1.1 PRO 更好地理解你的需求。使用「高品質」、「細節豐富」或「4K」等詞來獲得清晰、銳利的圖像。試試「電影感」、「戲劇性」或「氛圍感」來創作電影般的場景。添加「以[藝術家名字]的風格」來模仿特定的藝術風格。Flux 1.1 PRO 在遵循提示方面有了很大改進,比以往更能準確執行你的指令。


充分利用高解析度:Flux 1.1 PRO 可以創建高達 2K 解析度的圖像。對於細節豐富的圖像,使用最高解析度。如果想更快生成圖像,可以嘗試較低的解析度。多做實驗,找到最適合你需求的品質和速度平衡。記住,Flux 1.1 PRO 比原版快 6 倍,所以即使是高解析度的圖像也能快速生成!


嘗試多次生成:Flux 1.1 PRO 每次生成的圖像都會有些不同。所以不要只停留在一次嘗試。為你的想法生成幾個版本。選擇你最喜歡的,或者結合不同版本的元素。每次稍微改變一下你的提示,看看它如何影響結果。有了 Flux 1.1 PRO 的速度,你可以在短時間內創作出多個變體!

關於 Flux 1.1 PRO 的常見問題

對 Flux 1.1 PRO 有疑問?我們為你準備了答案!以下是人們經常問到的關於我們這款神奇的人工智能圖像生成器的問題。

什麼是 Flux 1.1 PRO?

Flux 1.1 PRO 與其他人工智能圖像生成器有何不同?

使用 Flux 1.1 PRO 需要特殊的硬件嗎?

我可以將 Flux 1.1 PRO 用於商業目的嗎?

Flux 1.1 PRO 是否支持多語言?

Flux 1.1 PRO 是否支持圖像編輯功能?

Flux 1.1 PRO 是否支持動態圖像生成?

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Contact our customer support

How to Create Better Prompts for High-Quality Images with Flux 1.1 PRO

Hey there! Have you heard of Flux 1.1 PRO? It's a super cool tool that turns your words into amazing pictures. But to get the best pictures, you need to know how to talk to Flux 1.1 PRO. Don't worry, it's easy and fun! Flux 1.1 PRO is like a robot artist. You tell it what to draw, and it makes the picture. The better you explain what you want, the cooler the picture will be. That's why learning to write good prompts is so important when using Flux 1.1 PRO.

Basic Tips for Better Prompts

  • Be specific and descriptive: When you're using Flux 1.1 PRO, try to be as clear as you can. Instead of saying "a dog," say "a fluffy golden retriever puppy." The more details you give, the better Flux 1.1 PRO can understand what you want.
  • Use simple language: Flux 1.1 PRO is smart, but it likes simple words best. You don't need big, fancy words. Just use words you'd use when talking to a friend.
  • Think about details: What color is the sky in your picture? Is it day or night? Are there any trees or buildings? Telling Flux 1.1 PRO these little details can make your picture much better.

Elements to Include in Your Prompt

  • Describe the main subject: First, tell Flux 1.1 PRO what the most important thing in your picture is. Is it a person, an animal, or maybe a spaceship? Give it some details about this main thing.
  • Add background information: Next, think about where your main thing is. Is it in a forest, a city, or on the moon? Telling Flux 1.1 PRO about the background helps make the whole picture interesting.
  • Mention colors and lighting: Colors can make your picture feel happy, sad, or exciting. Tell Flux 1.1 PRO what colors you want. Also, think about the light. Is it sunny, or is there a spooky fog?
  • Specify the style or mood: Do you want your picture to look like a cartoon or more like a real photo? Should it be funny or serious? Letting Flux 1.1 PRO know the style you want can make a big difference.

Examples of Good Prompts for Flux 1.1 PRO

Simple prompt example

"Flux 1.1 PRO, please make a picture of a happy red cat playing with a blue ball in a green garden." This is a good start! It tells Flux 1.1 PRO the main thing (the cat), what it's doing, and where it is.

More detailed prompt example

"Flux 1.1 PRO, can you create an image of a brave knight riding a white horse? The knight should wear shiny silver armor and hold a red flag. They're riding through a dark forest with tall trees. The sky is orange because the sun is setting. Make it look like a painting from a storybook." This prompt gives Flux 1.1 PRO lots of details to work with. It describes the main subject, the background, colors, and even the style of the picture.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Being too vague

If you just say "make a nice picture," Flux 1.1 PRO won't know what you want. It needs more information to create something cool.

fluxGuide.badExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, draw something pretty."

fluxGuide.betterExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, draw a pretty rainbow over a green field with flowers."

Using complicated words

Remember, simple words work best with Flux 1.1 PRO. You don't need to use big words to get great pictures.

fluxGuide.badExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, create an image with crepuscular rays penetrating an arboreal canopy."

fluxGuide.betterExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, make a picture of sunlight shining through tree leaves in a forest."

Forgetting about the background

Don't forget to tell Flux 1.1 PRO about where things are happening. The background can make your picture much more interesting.

fluxGuide.badExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, draw a elephant."

fluxGuide.betterExample: "Flux 1.1 PRO, draw an elephant in a grassy savanna with acacia trees and a blue sky."

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you use Flux 1.1 PRO, the better you'll get at making prompts. Here are some tips to help you improve:

  • Try different prompts: Don't be afraid to experiment! Try asking Flux 1.1 PRO for all kinds of different pictures. You might be surprised at what you can create.
  • Learn from your results: Look closely at the pictures Flux 1.1 PRO makes for you. If something isn't quite right, think about how you can change your words to make it better next time.


Creating great prompts for Flux 1.1 PRO is like learning a fun new language. The more you practice, the better you'll get! Remember these key points:

  1. Be specific and give lots of details.
  2. Use simple words that are easy to understand.
  3. Describe the main subject, background, colors, and style.
  4. Avoid being too vague or using complicated words.
  5. Don't forget about the background!
  6. Keep practicing and learning from your results.